Thursday, October 25, 2007

Looking for this Tight Line?

No you're not dreaming Tight Line...the Brent Giant has hauled in a whopping 21 inch, 3.2 lb. Rainbow Trout right from under your rig.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Brent Giant;
We've had contact from a Mr. Tight Line concerning your entry. Based on review by using the time honored "PALC" formula,(Photo Arm Length Comparison), your trout is 17.5 inches and no more. Weight does not factor into this formula, so your claim of 3.2 pounds stands with the board members.
Concerned Anglers of Ontario

Brent Giant said...

How much did Tight Line pay the board to alter the length of this spectacular catch? I'll double it to get the original submitted length reinstated.

Anonymous said...

A case of Scotch....I'll say no more....2 cases would certainly change anyones calculations....I've already said too much. No grocery store beer! O.K.!
Former Board Member

Anonymous said...

Alright guys, charades long enough. I think ego boosts are good and all, but clearly, the Loblaws seafood counter tag should have at least been taken off prior to your "landing" that fish. Definitely prior to the photos. Amateur hour boys. Amateur hour.
-Brent giant's guilty conscience