Thursday, October 25, 2007

We need a bigger board

Just look at those brilliant colours.


Anonymous said...

Giant, you did a great job landing this Rainbow with a yellow Mr. Twister on a jig head with a bit of worm!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the rest of the trout were 40 feet down and ready for winter. Great job Mr. Giant! Good angling! I heard that Black Bean acted as a spotter with this one. Great job Black Bean! Good spot angling!
Fast Eddie

Anonymous said...

3 words, 1 question.

Word: Loblaws seafood counter
Question: How much were the bribes for the corroboration? tsk tsk fellows tsk tsk

Anonymous said...

Jig head: 35 cents
Half a Worm: 10 cents
The look of shock on Shark Bait's face as I land the biggest trout he's ever seen after he has tried everything in his tackle box for two days and only managed to catch a tiny perch: Priceless